Motorer för olje- och gasindustrin

Cat 3512E DGB Tier 4 Final

The new land well service 3512E Dynamic Gas Blending™ dual fuel engine will be certified to U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final emissions standard while offering the highest natural gas substitution in its class. The 3512E DGB will include factory solutions that emit approximately the same or less greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as a comparable 3512E Tier 4 Final diesel engine. Additionally, the dual fuel performance of the new 3512E DGB has significantly increased compared to similar engines in its class with the ability to achieve 85% diesel displacement, further allowing for lower operating costs.

Effekt 1 864 ekW
3512E Dynamisk Gas Blending SCAC petroleummotor för olje- och gasindustrin
3512E Dynamisk Gas Blending ATAAC petroleummotor för olje- och gasindustrin


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3512E Dynamisk Gas Blending SCAC petroleummotor för olje- och gasindustrin

Cat 3512E DGB Tier 4 Final

Motorer för olje- och gasindustrin

Effekt 1 864 ekW

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Cat 3512E DGB Tier 4 Final Motorer för olje- och gasindustrin

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